Autonomous Robots for Warehousing

July 15, 2021

Autonomous Robots for Warehousing

It's no secret that robots are taking over many aspects of modern life. One area where robots are making big strides is warehousing. Autonomous robots are helping warehouses meet their growing demands for efficiency, speed, and accuracy.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the different types of autonomous robots used in warehousing and compare some of their advantages and disadvantages.

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

AMRs are the most common type of autonomous robots used in warehousing. They are mobile robots that use sensors and software to navigate through a warehouse, moving goods from one place to another.


  • Flexibility: AMRs can easily adapt to different warehouse layouts and adjust to changes in inventory.

  • Less downtime: Unlike human workers, robots can work continuously without needing breaks or shifts, leading to a reduction of downtime.

  • Increased speed: AMRs can move much faster than a human worker, leading to faster product transit times.


  • Limited interaction: While AMRs can move products from one location to another, they don't have the ability to interact with humans in the same way that human workers can.

  • Cost: AMRs can be expensive to purchase and maintain, leading to high costs.

Autonomous Robotic Arms

Autonomous robotic arms are robots that are capable of performing tasks such as palletizing, sorting, and stacking products. They are most commonly used in large warehouses where the amount of inventory requires detailed stack management.


  • Increased accuracy: Robotic arms are able to pick and stack items with pinpoint accuracy, reducing the risk of errors in the warehouse.

  • High throughput: Robotic arms can move at lightning speed and can process large amounts of inventory quickly.

  • Process optimization: Robotic arms can be programmed to optimize the movement of products around the warehouse, resulting in a more efficient and streamlined process.


  • Cost: Robotic arms are often expensive to purchase and maintain, leading to high costs.

  • Non-adaptive: Robotic arms are typically specialized for a particular task and are not easily adaptable to different tasks.


In summary, autonomous robots are changing the warehousing industry. AMRs are the most flexible and easily adaptable, while autonomous robotic arms offer increased accuracy and streamline processes. However, both come with a high price tag, so companies should weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully before investing in them. We can only expect to see more technological breakthroughs in this space and robots becoming a more integral part of warehouse operations.


  • Borealis AI. "Automation in the Warehouse." Borealis AI, 7 June 2021,
  • Tompkins, James A. "How Autonomous Mobile Robots Are Revolutionizing the Warehouse." IndustryWeek, 21 Oct. 2020,

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